the most mischievous thing you can do is be yourslef

Your Intuition is your gps to success

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This is for you if…

✔️ You’re interested in personal growth, wellness, and becoming the best version of yourself you can be.

✔️ You want to unlearn mindsets like perfectionism, hustling, and people pleasing.

✔️ You have an idea, project, or creative venture that’s calling your name. You can see this idea like a vision. You just know it’s possible, even if you don’t know exactly how to make it happen.

✔️ You don’t want to hustle or self-sacrifice on the way to bringing this idea to life.

If you answered yes to any of the above, you’re in the right place


I’m Sam ✨ Certified life coach for ambitious women

I created the Intuition Incubator because it’s the program I wish I had after being laid off from my corporate job. I wish I had someone (or better yet, an entire community), to help me unwind the corporate mindset + create my own definition of success.

So that’s exactly what I created for you. The Intuition Incubator as a space where you can learn to trust yourself as the authority again.

Because learning to trust yourself — your intuition — is how you create your own path to success, not the one you’re expected to follow.

I can’t wait to be your coach ✨

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✨ Clarity on your inner vision and what you’re being called to do (aka, your unique path to success)

✨ A deeper connection to your intuition and how to use your intuition as a GPS to success

✨ Confidence to move forward and take action so you can bring your vision to life

✨ Connection, community, and coaching with other badass women to support you along your journey

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If you’ve been telling yourself…

☁️ There’s something you “should” be doing to be successful

☁️ There’s a perfect plan that will finally get you to where you want to be

☁️ Once you get to success, you will finally feel freedom, ease, and joy

☁️ Pursuing your dreams is selfish

☁️ You should just be happy with what you have instead of wanting more

…Then this is the space for you

Inside of the Intuition Incubator you’re going to unwind the thoughts that are keeping you stuck, and learn how to trust your intuition to guide you forward.

Here’s what lauren has to say

Press play!


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“I’m getting in my own way”

That’s a sentence I hear over and over again.

Because you know what to do, but you’re still not doing it.

You could create a step-by-step plan for someone else, but you can’t seem to stick to a plan for yourself.

You spend more time in your head than you do taking action.

You overthink everything, which leaves you exhausted. And then your loud inner critic judges you for it.

Everyone else seems to see your potential, but you’re not showing up for yourself in the way you know you could be.

I get it.


You don’t have to push through

You don’t need to keep “pushing through” in order to reach your goals. You don’t need to be more disciplined. You don’t need to go harder.

That’s what corporate culture taught you — to keep working harder and wait for the day where it finally pays off.

Inside of the Intuition Incubator, you’re going to unlearn that hustle mindset.

You’re going to tap into a new way of working. One that doesn’t require you to abandon yourself on the way to success, hoping it will pay off one day.

You’re going to learn how to follow your intuition to success so you can experience ease, freedom, and joy along the way, not at some distant future.

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 “Without being in the grind + hustle that I’d been on forever, I finally had the space to ask myself “what does success look like for me?”

— Ashia

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How to access your intuition



You’re not alone

While accessing and trusting your intuition is ultimately up to you, community is an essential part of the process. Joining the Intuition Incubator means you’ll be part of the larger Ambition + Mischief community where you’ll be surrounded by like-minded women. You’ll see how other women are running, growing, and leading their work. Plus, being in community allows us to soften into the process, instead of pushing through it.



Meet your future self

The way you access your intuition is by doing your inner work, and coaching is how we do inner work inside of Intuition Incubator program. This looks like shifting your mindset, creating emotional awareness, and reconnecting with your bigger vision so you can meet your future self with ease, allowing your intuition to lead you there. Our weekly coaching calls allow you to do this inner work consistently, so you can clear out mental clutter and move forward with clarity and direction.



Do your work

While your intuition is guiding you to success, there are some tangible action steps you will be called to take. Our weekly co-working sessions are a dedicated space to do that work. Whether its creating that website, sharing that post, or pitching yourself to that podcast, you’ll have a consistent time and place to focus and work on the things that matter most to you. Plus, if you’re looking for advice, feedback, or accountability on a project or goal, we’ve got you.


 “Ambition + Mischief is a community of Beautiful women doing big things and holding each other accountable”

— Yetti

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What’s included

✔️ 1 year access to the Intuition Incubator program and Ambition + Mischief community

✔️ Live group coaching calls

✔️ Weekly co-working + accountability sessions

✔️ Monthly breathwork + embodiment sessions

✔️ A community of ambitious, like-minded women who want to see you win

✔️ Discounted rate to in-person community events

What you’ll receive

✔️ Clarity on your future vision + what you’re being called to do

✔️ Use your intuition as a GPS to success

✔️ Self-coach using our unique CLARITY framework, designed to help you build self-awareness, access your intuition, and get into action with self-trust

✔️ Know what to do when you’re self-sabotaging

✔️ Unwind perfectionism, procrastination, and people pleasing

✔️ Learn how to set healthy boundaries that support you and the work you’re being called to do

✔️ Increase your confidence so you can show up to the things calling your name

✔️ Accountability from a community of like-minded women who want to see you win

✔️ A new sense of possibility, seeing how other women are leading their life and work

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The Investment



When you pay in full ($1,111) you will receive one bonus 1-1 coaching session (60 minutes), exclusively available to those who pay in full. You’ll also have immediate access to the program + community. Plus, you won’t have to think about your membership payment for another year.


When you choose the $444 per month split pay option you’ll be able to pay your membership over the span of 3 months ($444 x 3). After your first payment is made today you will have full access to the program + community for 1 year.


When you choose the $222 per month split pay option you’ll be able to pay your membership over the span of 6 months ($222 x 6). After your first payment is made today you will have full access to the program + community for 1 year.