Somewhere along the line, I decided to choose community and support over ego.

I’ll be honest — I used to think asking for help was a signifier of weakness. Struggle, grit, and perseverance were the only necessary elements to well-earned success, I thought. Ambition + Mischief’s summer issue is Support because I’ve come to realize that this is the necessary element to success. Unnecessary struggle fueled by ego is so 2015.

Since making a conscious decision to allow others to support me, the support I didn’t even know I needed continues to show up. I was presented with the opportunity to work with a business coach — and took it. I was presented with an opportunity to co-host a Mindful Marketing and PR workshop — and did it. I was presented with an opportunity to be a guest speaker in a virtual conference made specifically for Latinas — and I showed up. I’ve come to realize there’s a community of women out there who want to support me — and I’m going to let them.

From wellness and travel, to PR and marketing, I hope you feel supported by this season’s issue. You’ll find details about the Latina Entrepreneur Virtual Summit mentioned above, tips on working while traveling, how to use an editorial calendar to streamline your content creation, and more.

Here’s to winning — together.

